Friday, July 11, 2008

Open Letter to Barak Obama

I don't post often. Rarely in fact. Sometimes things just reach a point where I can't keep my trap shut any longer though...hence this rant.

Dear Sen. Obama,

I don't need to agree with you on 100% off the issues, but it's been a rough few weeks watching the man I had so much hope in, either caving in to the fear of losing, or "outing" himself as a "right wing" Democrat.

You may not be as "left" or "progressive" as many have pegged you, but you cannot deny you promised change, and a new way of doing things. Voting for the FISA bill in order to look tough on terrorism when you KNOW it's not the right thing to do is NOT change. You yourself said this was flawed legislation, yet you voted for it anyway. It's the same old politics as usual.

You had the progressive vote locked up. We were 100% behind you, and with us, you had solid leads in all the polls vs. Sen. McCain. You had leads in nearly all the swing states - Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida - all were leaning your way. Despite all this polling evidence, either you still don't believe you can win the Presidency as an openly progressive candidate, or you are indeed a "right wing" Democrat.

I was PROUD of the fact that you didn't end every speech with "God bless the United States of America". It showed respect for those of us who have different beliefs than you and a basic humility in understanding that the United States is no more blessed by God than any other country. If you believe such things, God created the entire universe. The United States is a tiny spec in comparison. It's rather arrogant to think that your God would bless our country over any other country - or any other world for that matter.

I was PROUD to support a man who didn't feel the need to wear a token lapel pin to know he was proud of his country. (Especially considering I bet those US flag lapel pins aren't even made in the U.S.!)

I was PROUD thinking my candidate was opposed to the death penalty and endorsed strong gun control laws.

I admit on these last two issues I should have educated myself better on your record, but as "the most progressive" member of the Senate, I didn't think for a second that you could possibly be in favor of the death penalty. Really? A self proclaimed progressive, Democratic, Christian is pro-death penalty? Please explain that one to me. As an atheist myself, I find the idea of killing another person so abhorrent, I cannot begin to understand how anyone could not only kill another person, but go so far as endorse the state sanctioning of such.

And lastly, touring the country with Sen. Clinton in order to help raise funds for a multi-millionaire's failed campaign debt is NOT the kind of change people were looking for. That $4600 you and your wife donated to Hillary Clinton's campaign could have gone to other progressive candidates who are in tight races against republicans running for congress. Rather than raising money for Sen. Clinton, why not encourage wealthy donors to give to these other very important races? Sen. Clinton could write a personal check and pay off her debt. She'll be fine. If we don't wrest the country back from the Republicans, WE won't be fine.

Hope is a delicate thing. I'd nearly lost all hope of our country turning around. John Edwards' campaign this year sparked some hope in me again. When he dropped out of the race I had to look closely at the rest of the field, and I YOU convinced me that you were the man I should entrust with that glimmer of hope that I was holding on to. Your primary campaign was a joy to watch. You stayed positive despite so many harsh attacks. You encouraged us to hope. You lead an uprising of tens of thousands of new voters. People who'd lost hope. People who'd given up. You inspired us to believe that things COULD change. That our voices DID matter. For awhile it seemed to be true. In March when the FISA bill seemed on the fast track for passage, we stopped it. Enough of us stood up and said NO! - and it worked!

Now just a few short months later, you have crushed us. Yes, you. Despite overwhelming opposition, even within your own party you voted in favor of what's been called by your colleague Sen. Russ Feingold " of the greatest assaults on the Constitution I think in the history of our country."

You revolutionized fund raising. You've taken it to the people, and we've responded. But just like money from big corporations, our money has the same strings. You may be clean of "big money", but that does not mean you have no one to answer to. You have to answer to US, and we said NO.

Your recent comments and especially your recent FISA vote require serious explanation - and I a five second sound bite on MSNBC won't cut it. The recent turn in your campaign is going to require another speech on the level of your "Jeremiah Wright/Race" speech. Unfortunately this time, it's your own words that need explaining - not a fired up reverend or an advisor who has misspoken. This time it's you.

If you hope to not see your leads versus McCain evaporate, you've got a lot of work ahead of you. Like I said, hope is a delicate thing, and you've broken it.


Craig Rogers

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