Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Depressing Political Rambling...

I recently saw Michael Moore's 'Sicko', and left the theatre with an odd feeling. Something I hadn't expected. I've lost hope. We've lost. I didn't leave the theatre outraged, thinking "something's got to be done!", no. Instead I left the theatre sad, and thought seriously, perhaps it's time to move. Vancouver's a beautiful city. I really enjoyed my visit to France. Why not move there?

There was to be a vote today on whether or not to restore habeus corpus. That in itself is scary enough, that it was taken away to begin with, but believe it or not, the republicans had enough votes in the senate to stop the vote from happening. So, people are still being imprisoned indefinately without ever being charged with a crime. Let me repeat that...people are still being imprisoned indefinately without ever being charged with a crime. This happened this morning. Did you know that? I didn't think so. I bet you knew that O.J. Simpson was released on bail though, didn't you? And why shouldn't you? The O.J. story was the front page story on

I've written letters, I've made phone calls, I've even given money, yet nothing seems to change for the better. Most of America has no interest at all in what's happening with their government, unless it's about "the gays" wanting to be married. That's an issue everyone seems to have an opinion on. That's certainly more important than habeus corpus, right? Just look what's happened to Massachusetts since they started allowing gays to marry! A hellmouth has opened up just south of Cambridge I heard. Demons have been grabbing Harvard students and pulling them straight into hell I hear. We certainly wouldn't want that happening in our state.

A quick list...

The dollar is going the way of the peso.
The government is listening to phone conversations and reading emails without warrants.
People are being grabbed and thrown in prison without ever being charged with a crime.
Nearly 4,000 US soldiers have died in Iraq since 2003.
Nearly 28,000 US soldiers have been wounded in Iraq since 2003.
Nearly 80,000 Iraqi civilians have died due to violence in Iraq since our invasion. Read that number again....80,000 CIVILIANS. Is there any wonder why we're not welcome there?
The US is the only first world nation that doesn't have universal healthcare for it's citizens. (I'd have thought you couldn't be considered a "first world" nation without this.)

...god I could go on and on...