I recently saw Michael Moore's 'Sicko', and left the theatre with an odd feeling. Something I hadn't expected. I've lost hope. We've lost. I didn't leave the theatre outraged, thinking "something's got to be done!", no. Instead I left the theatre sad, and thought seriously, perhaps it's time to move. Vancouver's a beautiful city. I really enjoyed my visit to France. Why not move there?
There was to be a vote today on whether or not to restore habeus corpus. That in itself is scary enough, that it was taken away to begin with, but believe it or not, the republicans had enough votes in the senate to stop the vote from happening. So, people are still being imprisoned indefinately without ever being charged with a crime. Let me repeat that...people are still being imprisoned indefinately without ever being charged with a crime. This happened this morning. Did you know that? I didn't think so. I bet you knew that O.J. Simpson was released on bail though, didn't you? And why shouldn't you? The O.J. story was the front page story on cnn.com.
I've written letters, I've made phone calls, I've even given money, yet nothing seems to change for the better. Most of America has no interest at all in what's happening with their government, unless it's about "the gays" wanting to be married. That's an issue everyone seems to have an opinion on. That's certainly more important than habeus corpus, right? Just look what's happened to Massachusetts since they started allowing gays to marry! A hellmouth has opened up just south of Cambridge I heard. Demons have been grabbing Harvard students and pulling them straight into hell I hear. We certainly wouldn't want that happening in our state.
A quick list...
The dollar is going the way of the peso.
The government is listening to phone conversations and reading emails without warrants.
People are being grabbed and thrown in prison without ever being charged with a crime.
Nearly 4,000 US soldiers have died in Iraq since 2003.
Nearly 28,000 US soldiers have been wounded in Iraq since 2003.
Nearly 80,000 Iraqi civilians have died due to violence in Iraq since our invasion. Read that number again....80,000 CIVILIANS. Is there any wonder why we're not welcome there?
The US is the only first world nation that doesn't have universal healthcare for it's citizens. (I'd have thought you couldn't be considered a "first world" nation without this.)
...god I could go on and on...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
It seems fitting that I should start this blog with a bit about me. If ANYONE out there is reading this, perhaps they'd be interested in knowing who exactly I am. I guarantee this is FAR more information that you could ever care to know....most of this was written about two years ago. I've noted updates where appropriate. :)
I'm a registered Independent.
I prefer briefs to boxers, but I prefer boxer briefs to both.
I prefer dogs to cats, but enjoy both.
I prefer Red wine to white, but again, enjoy both.
I'm an atheist.
I love tennis but can't hit an overhead.
I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I'm gay. (big shock after my last statement!)
I've been happily “living in sin” for the past 8 years with my 'partner' and believe gay marriage is inevitable.
I drive Honda Civic Hybrid.
It does NOT get 50 mpg.
I did NOT support the war in Iraq.
I vote.
I buy brand name batteries, but generic medicine.
I used to collect comic books, but now only collect original comic art.
I'm losing my hair.
I subscribe (and read) TIME magazine.
I was the first person I know to cancel their home phone service and opt for a cell phone only life.
I miss rotary phones.
I "invented" the maglev when I was six.
I tried contacts, but couldn't get used to them.
I really dislike car horns.
I enjoy vacuuming, but hate mopping floors.
Velcro shoes make me cringe.
I wish I could draw.
I love chocolate.
I was very disappointed in the 'Daredevil' movie.
I really enjoyed the first two X-Men movies, but the third was lacking.
I used to own a motorcycle.
I miss going fishing in Maine.
I realize now that high school is not nearly as important as you think it is at the time.
College should be free.
I wonder if Madonna's next album will suck as bad as her last one did.
Dances with Wolves made me cry like a little girl.
'Happiness' is a revolting movie, but what's worse - I love it.
UPS.com rocks.
I think self-adhesive stamps are one of the best ideas in decades.
I hate how most new inventions only create a new “need”
Another great invention: Tivo
I love water skiing, but hate snow skiing.
Ice-skating hurts my feet.
I cannot eat cilantro.
Babies make me nervous.
I wonder why Photochromic contact lenses aren't more popular.
I've always dreamt of building my own home.
I prefer lakes to the ocean.
I've been to Europe once, and Asia twice.
Montreal Canada ROCKS. They have gay nudie bars.
I've been to Mexico three times.
Tijuana is the nastiest place I've ever been.
Reading novels takes too long.
I’ll be very sad the day Stan Lee dies.
I have $5000+ in audio equipment and a $400 television. Yes, that bugs me.
Update: that’s been resolved. 60 inches of 1080p glory sits in my livingroom.
I hate seeing dust in the air inside the house.
'Erin Brokovich' made me scared of my water.
I prefer to write in blue ink to black.
I've had surgery twice. It's not fun.
I knew when Starbucks bought Seattle's Best that they'd close my favorite coffee shop.
I think Marat Safin is possibly the best looking athlete in the world.
I enjoy reading Moby's daily journal at moby.com.
I think it's about time we got a new penny, nickel, and dime.
Update: I guess they agreed about the nickel.
I miss shooting pool after school.
Top 40 pop bores me.
I think 'Once Upon a Time in the West' is quite possibly the best western ever made.
It took me three viewings before I understood 'Raging Bull'.
Martin Scorsese and Robert Deniro need to make another great film together.
The Matrix sequels were supremely disappointing.
I for the life of me cannot understand George W. Bush's appeal to nearly half the country.
Update: make that 25%
I love my new "frameless" glasses.
I wonder how the Korean company 'LG' became so big in the US all of a sudden.
I didn't realize that the 'Human Rights Campaign' logo was an "equals" sign for a long time.
It really bugs me when someone (invariably a woman) pays for their groceries with a check.
It's 2004 people...use your card!
I hate that I've become one of my own pet peeves. (talking on a cell phone while paying for something at the store.)
I love being barefoot.
I love snuggling.
Typically the first thing I do when I come home is strip down to my undies and t-shirt.
I've been known to drive around with all the windows down, in 20-degree weather, with the heat on.
I wish Rotel would make a universal (Blu-ray, HD DVD, DVD, CD, SACD, DVD-A) player.
I “invented” tuna pre-mixed with mayo at least 15 years ago.
I love Georgia O'Keefe paintings.
I made a clay sculpture at was inspired by O'Keefe while in High School.
I still have it.
I made a graph drawing of Jack Nicholson in high school.
It was stolen while on display in the school.
I've had my wallet stolen.
I have found memories of my Dad's 8 tracks. Jim Croce, Simon & Garfunkle, Kenny Rogers...
I miss Bob's Clam Hut. Mmmm...good food.
Springtime in Los Angeles is great.
IMAX films are really fun to watch.
I need to shower at least once per day.
I get very cranky when I'm tired or hungry. Not much has changed since I was two.
I love taking 'personality' tests online.
I'd love to be a Nielson family.
I think people should see/hear live performances more often - myself included.
Museums are fun.
I wonder why sex is such a taboo subject.
I wonder why violence is so socially accepted.
I wonder how killing someone as a punishment for killing someone makes sense to anyone.
I hate how my fingers feel/smell after eating KFC.
I love molasses.
San Francisco is a really great city.
Alarm clocks really suck.
I find it really hard to find a really comfortable pair of shoes.
I've always liked Mighty Mouse over Mickey Mouse.
Sunstone Vineyards 'Eros' is a really tasty red wine.
I really enjoy my "friends" on the Axiom Audio message boards.
Porn is wonderful. As is broadband internet access.
The best fiction book I've ever read was "A Confederacy of Dunces"
"Black Dahlia" was is a close second.
I generally prefer to read non-fiction.
I think eBay is wonderful.
I've bought more new CD's since the advent of mp3s than I did in the 10 years previous.
I wish I could keep my cool better on the tennis court.
US History was my favorite subject in school.
I always wanted to thank Mr. Baglivo for being the best teacher I ever had - but I didn't.
Gandhi has shaped how I think about the world probably as much as any other single thing.
I wish I worked shorter hours.
I tried reading the bible a few times, but I've read fiction novels that were more believable. Geodes have always fascinated me.
I'd like to own a cat and dog someday. A twenty-five pound cat.
Update: I now own a wonderful 12.5 pound cat. Ziggy!
I have way too much debt.
I think boxer briefs are sexy.
I don't dress in expensive clothes because I hate worrying about getting them dirty.
I really enjoyed acting in college.
Something has got to be done about spam emails.
Update: Spam filters have come a long way.
I'm in love.
I really enjoy writing.
I should do it more.
I never understood how someone could be depressed - until it happened to me.
I'm afraid of baseballs.
Insects creep me out, but I love spiders - go figure.
I think LA needs a lot more green, and a lot less cement.
Wanda Sykes is my favorite female stand up comedian. (sorry Ms. Cho)
I don't talk about death.
I had a really great time renting a house with friends in Palm Springs.
I'm glad that there's at least one game that I'm better than Roger at - darts.
Roger's luck is astonishing.
I prefer fresh air to air conditioned.
I think head and hand massages feel better than back massages.
I really like cool old people.
I really like the new nickels, especially the return of the 'buffalo nickel'
Atheist is not accurate - I'm an agnostic.
I enjoy seeing people clamor over the latest fad.
I've never been a hip dresser.
I can look at pictures of myself 10 years ago and not cringe at what I'm wearing.
I stopped being aware of my age when I turned 32 - if asked; I need to think about it now.
A horse has kicked me.
Not being able to get married hits me not only in the heart, but also now, the wallet.
I almost always wait far too long to get my hair cut.
I love staple guns.
I wish I could grow thick facial hair.
I think anti-bacterial this, that, and the other is getting out of hand, and ultimately counter productive.
I love the quiet of nature.
I wish they'd de-cement the LA river.
The corporatization of America worries me.
Greed has become one of my biggest peeves.
I love watching "inside the actor's studio'.
My favorite word is 'love'.
My least favorite word is 'stock price'
What turns me on? Listening to music in a dark, and quiet room.
What turns me off? Greed and arrogance.
What is my favorite curse word? Bitch.
What sound or noise do I love? The sound of Roger breathing as I lay my head on his chest.
What sound or noise do I hate? Cars and all that entails. Horns, alarms, road noise, etc.
What profession other than my own would I like to attempt? History teacher.
What profession would you not like to attempt? Any medical career.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "You were wrong, but I won't hold it against you."
I think Garden State is an underrated movie.
Lake Lucerne is the most beautiful place I've ever seen.
France gets a bad wrap. It's a very, very cool place, with lots of nice people.
I prefer to drink water at room temperature.
My jeans are always too long.
I wish the feisty Al Gore of post 2000 had been the man that ran for president.
“Cash only” businesses annoy me.
I love watching Roger play aggressive tennis. (Both Shih and Federer!)
I often think that a good 80% of the population is dumb as a bag of rocks.
My friends typically fall into the other 20%.
Zoolander is quite possibly the funniest movie ever made.
Calf cramps in the early morning are the worst.
Alarm clocks should be outlawed.
I enjoy driving over Beverly Glenn on a weekend morning, heading to a tennis lesson.
I'm shocked at how much framing artwork costs.
I love the word pushpin.
I work too many hours.
I don't like going to lunch alone.
In general I don't like being alone.
I like the noise Ziggy makes if you hug him.
I miss selling comic books.
The death of my stepfather is my worst memory.
I don't have any one stand out "best" memory.
I love post-its.
I've always thought blue and green went well together. I'm glad that combo has become popular.
The best way to "fix" doubles is to force all players to enter both singles and doubles, and shorten the matches to best of three up until the finals.
I enjoy Star Trek, but am not a 'trekie'.
The parents on 'Everybody Hates Chris' are hilarious.
I should buy a bike.
And ride it.
LA has much more culture than most people give it credit for.
I miss having my change counted back to me.
Restaurant checks should come split automatically, as they are in Montreal.
My fear of heights has diminished greatly over the years.
My fear of death has increased greatly over the years.
Party line voting is wrong.
I love driving with all the windows down, and the sunroof open on a warm summer night.
Warm summer nights make me randy.
February 5th, 2006 is my 7th anniversary.
We had to make that date up.
It's been my experience that the only printer you should ever buy is an HP.
If I could attend only one Grand Slam event, it would be the French Open.
I wish cell phone chargers were all compatible with each other.
It seems unfair that rich people are always given gifts that they could easily afford to buy themselves.
Unsolicited junk mail needs to be stopped. It's far worse than spam.
As a child I enjoyed fried Spam sandwiches.
As an adult I don't understand how I could eat that crap.
I still love a good steamed hot dog though.
Ketchup should never be put on a hot dog.
I have two sources to back that claim up - just ask me.
Brent Everett is hot. Google him. (but NOT at work!)
The Wiltern is a great place to see a concert.
Part of me thinks that if gas prices were to climb to $5+ per gallon, it would be a good thing.
I enjoy tugging on ponytails.
I'm impatient.
I really like the line "bring me a bucket".
I wonder how often people still use their George Forman grills.
I've just been made aware that other people getting angry upsets me.
I like changing the new mail notification sound on my computer.
I miss watching Saturday morning cartoons.
I tried recently.
The new cartoons suck.
Long live Bugs Bunny and Co.
I'm uncomfortable in large crowds.
It's gotten worse as I age.
I absolutely love spending time with close friends.
Tequiza is good, and very hard to find.
As much as I hate the outsourcing of jobs, Indian customer service is usually quite good.
I love fresh raspberries.
I try to buy organic food products whenever possible.
Dairy and I quite often don't get along well.
Pink Berry is amazing! Regular flavor with fresh raspberries and mochi!
I think about sex at least 5 times per day.
There's not much better than eating an apple straight off the tree.
I miss 'King of the Hill'
Sin City was the most faithful adaptation of a comic book I've ever seen on film.
I'm currently a talk radio junkie.
I've discovered the joys of a good martini.
They do seem to taste better from a martini glass.
I find it sadder thinking about Brokeback Mountain now, than I did while sitting in the theatre.
Delayed reaction sadness. Odd.
The Coffee Bean makes the best Ice Blended Coffee drinks.
I love the relief of peeing if you've waited far too long to go.
I'll often not wash my hands after peeing.
I love honey.
I wonder if I have crohn's disease.
I need to find a new doctor.
Mine retired.
Why hasn't there been a big epic film made of the life of MLK?
I wish I could play a musical instrument really, really well.
Preferably guitar or piano.
Maybe even the harmonica.
There's something to be said about the freedom of driving a real piece of crap.
I wonder what the origin of the phrase "gets my goat" is.
Jargon is fascinating.
I wish David Mazzucchelli would draw Daredevil again.
It must be wonderful to be an uber wealthy philanthropist.
I enjoy sitting in a diner alone and reading during lunch.
Zack Snyder has more ego than talent.
My workload has reached an overwhelming level.
It’s affecting my health.
Health insurance companies are evil.
Gene Colan is amazing. 81 years old and creating some of the best work of his life.
A good friend of mine was in “The Pursuit of Happyness”
I really, really enjoy hiring artists to create Daredevil themed commissions for me.
www.comicartfans.com is the best site I’ve found in years.
My art collection is posted there.
Norah Jones is great live.
I believe George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be removed from office, tried for their crimes, and put in jail.
I know that will never happen.
HTPC’s are far more complicated that their supporters let on.
...and there's so much more. Aren't we humans so complex?
I'm a registered Independent.
I prefer briefs to boxers, but I prefer boxer briefs to both.
I prefer dogs to cats, but enjoy both.
I prefer Red wine to white, but again, enjoy both.
I'm an atheist.
I love tennis but can't hit an overhead.
I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I'm gay. (big shock after my last statement!)
I've been happily “living in sin” for the past 8 years with my 'partner' and believe gay marriage is inevitable.
I drive Honda Civic Hybrid.
It does NOT get 50 mpg.
I did NOT support the war in Iraq.
I vote.
I buy brand name batteries, but generic medicine.
I used to collect comic books, but now only collect original comic art.
I'm losing my hair.
I subscribe (and read) TIME magazine.
I was the first person I know to cancel their home phone service and opt for a cell phone only life.
I miss rotary phones.
I "invented" the maglev when I was six.
I tried contacts, but couldn't get used to them.
I really dislike car horns.
I enjoy vacuuming, but hate mopping floors.
Velcro shoes make me cringe.
I wish I could draw.
I love chocolate.
I was very disappointed in the 'Daredevil' movie.
I really enjoyed the first two X-Men movies, but the third was lacking.
I used to own a motorcycle.
I miss going fishing in Maine.
I realize now that high school is not nearly as important as you think it is at the time.
College should be free.
I wonder if Madonna's next album will suck as bad as her last one did.
Dances with Wolves made me cry like a little girl.
'Happiness' is a revolting movie, but what's worse - I love it.
UPS.com rocks.
I think self-adhesive stamps are one of the best ideas in decades.
I hate how most new inventions only create a new “need”
Another great invention: Tivo
I love water skiing, but hate snow skiing.
Ice-skating hurts my feet.
I cannot eat cilantro.
Babies make me nervous.
I wonder why Photochromic contact lenses aren't more popular.
I've always dreamt of building my own home.
I prefer lakes to the ocean.
I've been to Europe once, and Asia twice.
Montreal Canada ROCKS. They have gay nudie bars.
I've been to Mexico three times.
Tijuana is the nastiest place I've ever been.
Reading novels takes too long.
I’ll be very sad the day Stan Lee dies.
I have $5000+ in audio equipment and a $400 television. Yes, that bugs me.
Update: that’s been resolved. 60 inches of 1080p glory sits in my livingroom.
I hate seeing dust in the air inside the house.
'Erin Brokovich' made me scared of my water.
I prefer to write in blue ink to black.
I've had surgery twice. It's not fun.
I knew when Starbucks bought Seattle's Best that they'd close my favorite coffee shop.
I think Marat Safin is possibly the best looking athlete in the world.
I enjoy reading Moby's daily journal at moby.com.
I think it's about time we got a new penny, nickel, and dime.
Update: I guess they agreed about the nickel.
I miss shooting pool after school.
Top 40 pop bores me.
I think 'Once Upon a Time in the West' is quite possibly the best western ever made.
It took me three viewings before I understood 'Raging Bull'.
Martin Scorsese and Robert Deniro need to make another great film together.
The Matrix sequels were supremely disappointing.
I for the life of me cannot understand George W. Bush's appeal to nearly half the country.
Update: make that 25%
I love my new "frameless" glasses.
I wonder how the Korean company 'LG' became so big in the US all of a sudden.
I didn't realize that the 'Human Rights Campaign' logo was an "equals" sign for a long time.
It really bugs me when someone (invariably a woman) pays for their groceries with a check.
It's 2004 people...use your card!
I hate that I've become one of my own pet peeves. (talking on a cell phone while paying for something at the store.)
I love being barefoot.
I love snuggling.
Typically the first thing I do when I come home is strip down to my undies and t-shirt.
I've been known to drive around with all the windows down, in 20-degree weather, with the heat on.
I wish Rotel would make a universal (Blu-ray, HD DVD, DVD, CD, SACD, DVD-A) player.
I “invented” tuna pre-mixed with mayo at least 15 years ago.
I love Georgia O'Keefe paintings.
I made a clay sculpture at was inspired by O'Keefe while in High School.
I still have it.
I made a graph drawing of Jack Nicholson in high school.
It was stolen while on display in the school.
I've had my wallet stolen.
I have found memories of my Dad's 8 tracks. Jim Croce, Simon & Garfunkle, Kenny Rogers...
I miss Bob's Clam Hut. Mmmm...good food.
Springtime in Los Angeles is great.
IMAX films are really fun to watch.
I need to shower at least once per day.
I get very cranky when I'm tired or hungry. Not much has changed since I was two.
I love taking 'personality' tests online.
I'd love to be a Nielson family.
I think people should see/hear live performances more often - myself included.
Museums are fun.
I wonder why sex is such a taboo subject.
I wonder why violence is so socially accepted.
I wonder how killing someone as a punishment for killing someone makes sense to anyone.
I hate how my fingers feel/smell after eating KFC.
I love molasses.
San Francisco is a really great city.
Alarm clocks really suck.
I find it really hard to find a really comfortable pair of shoes.
I've always liked Mighty Mouse over Mickey Mouse.
Sunstone Vineyards 'Eros' is a really tasty red wine.
I really enjoy my "friends" on the Axiom Audio message boards.
Porn is wonderful. As is broadband internet access.
The best fiction book I've ever read was "A Confederacy of Dunces"
"Black Dahlia" was is a close second.
I generally prefer to read non-fiction.
I think eBay is wonderful.
I've bought more new CD's since the advent of mp3s than I did in the 10 years previous.
I wish I could keep my cool better on the tennis court.
US History was my favorite subject in school.
I always wanted to thank Mr. Baglivo for being the best teacher I ever had - but I didn't.
Gandhi has shaped how I think about the world probably as much as any other single thing.
I wish I worked shorter hours.
I tried reading the bible a few times, but I've read fiction novels that were more believable. Geodes have always fascinated me.
I'd like to own a cat and dog someday. A twenty-five pound cat.
Update: I now own a wonderful 12.5 pound cat. Ziggy!
I have way too much debt.
I think boxer briefs are sexy.
I don't dress in expensive clothes because I hate worrying about getting them dirty.
I really enjoyed acting in college.
Something has got to be done about spam emails.
Update: Spam filters have come a long way.
I'm in love.
I really enjoy writing.
I should do it more.
I never understood how someone could be depressed - until it happened to me.
I'm afraid of baseballs.
Insects creep me out, but I love spiders - go figure.
I think LA needs a lot more green, and a lot less cement.
Wanda Sykes is my favorite female stand up comedian. (sorry Ms. Cho)
I don't talk about death.
I had a really great time renting a house with friends in Palm Springs.
I'm glad that there's at least one game that I'm better than Roger at - darts.
Roger's luck is astonishing.
I prefer fresh air to air conditioned.
I think head and hand massages feel better than back massages.
I really like cool old people.
I really like the new nickels, especially the return of the 'buffalo nickel'
Atheist is not accurate - I'm an agnostic.
I enjoy seeing people clamor over the latest fad.
I've never been a hip dresser.
I can look at pictures of myself 10 years ago and not cringe at what I'm wearing.
I stopped being aware of my age when I turned 32 - if asked; I need to think about it now.
A horse has kicked me.
Not being able to get married hits me not only in the heart, but also now, the wallet.
I almost always wait far too long to get my hair cut.
I love staple guns.
I wish I could grow thick facial hair.
I think anti-bacterial this, that, and the other is getting out of hand, and ultimately counter productive.
I love the quiet of nature.
I wish they'd de-cement the LA river.
The corporatization of America worries me.
Greed has become one of my biggest peeves.
I love watching "inside the actor's studio'.
My favorite word is 'love'.
My least favorite word is 'stock price'
What turns me on? Listening to music in a dark, and quiet room.
What turns me off? Greed and arrogance.
What is my favorite curse word? Bitch.
What sound or noise do I love? The sound of Roger breathing as I lay my head on his chest.
What sound or noise do I hate? Cars and all that entails. Horns, alarms, road noise, etc.
What profession other than my own would I like to attempt? History teacher.
What profession would you not like to attempt? Any medical career.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "You were wrong, but I won't hold it against you."
I think Garden State is an underrated movie.
Lake Lucerne is the most beautiful place I've ever seen.
France gets a bad wrap. It's a very, very cool place, with lots of nice people.
I prefer to drink water at room temperature.
My jeans are always too long.
I wish the feisty Al Gore of post 2000 had been the man that ran for president.
“Cash only” businesses annoy me.
I love watching Roger play aggressive tennis. (Both Shih and Federer!)
I often think that a good 80% of the population is dumb as a bag of rocks.
My friends typically fall into the other 20%.
Zoolander is quite possibly the funniest movie ever made.
Calf cramps in the early morning are the worst.
Alarm clocks should be outlawed.
I enjoy driving over Beverly Glenn on a weekend morning, heading to a tennis lesson.
I'm shocked at how much framing artwork costs.
I love the word pushpin.
I work too many hours.
I don't like going to lunch alone.
In general I don't like being alone.
I like the noise Ziggy makes if you hug him.
I miss selling comic books.
The death of my stepfather is my worst memory.
I don't have any one stand out "best" memory.
I love post-its.
I've always thought blue and green went well together. I'm glad that combo has become popular.
The best way to "fix" doubles is to force all players to enter both singles and doubles, and shorten the matches to best of three up until the finals.
I enjoy Star Trek, but am not a 'trekie'.
The parents on 'Everybody Hates Chris' are hilarious.
I should buy a bike.
And ride it.
LA has much more culture than most people give it credit for.
I miss having my change counted back to me.
Restaurant checks should come split automatically, as they are in Montreal.
My fear of heights has diminished greatly over the years.
My fear of death has increased greatly over the years.
Party line voting is wrong.
I love driving with all the windows down, and the sunroof open on a warm summer night.
Warm summer nights make me randy.
February 5th, 2006 is my 7th anniversary.
We had to make that date up.
It's been my experience that the only printer you should ever buy is an HP.
If I could attend only one Grand Slam event, it would be the French Open.
I wish cell phone chargers were all compatible with each other.
It seems unfair that rich people are always given gifts that they could easily afford to buy themselves.
Unsolicited junk mail needs to be stopped. It's far worse than spam.
As a child I enjoyed fried Spam sandwiches.
As an adult I don't understand how I could eat that crap.
I still love a good steamed hot dog though.
Ketchup should never be put on a hot dog.
I have two sources to back that claim up - just ask me.
Brent Everett is hot. Google him. (but NOT at work!)
The Wiltern is a great place to see a concert.
Part of me thinks that if gas prices were to climb to $5+ per gallon, it would be a good thing.
I enjoy tugging on ponytails.
I'm impatient.
I really like the line "bring me a bucket".
I wonder how often people still use their George Forman grills.
I've just been made aware that other people getting angry upsets me.
I like changing the new mail notification sound on my computer.
I miss watching Saturday morning cartoons.
I tried recently.
The new cartoons suck.
Long live Bugs Bunny and Co.
I'm uncomfortable in large crowds.
It's gotten worse as I age.
I absolutely love spending time with close friends.
Tequiza is good, and very hard to find.
As much as I hate the outsourcing of jobs, Indian customer service is usually quite good.
I love fresh raspberries.
I try to buy organic food products whenever possible.
Dairy and I quite often don't get along well.
Pink Berry is amazing! Regular flavor with fresh raspberries and mochi!
I think about sex at least 5 times per day.
There's not much better than eating an apple straight off the tree.
I miss 'King of the Hill'
Sin City was the most faithful adaptation of a comic book I've ever seen on film.
I'm currently a talk radio junkie.
I've discovered the joys of a good martini.
They do seem to taste better from a martini glass.
I find it sadder thinking about Brokeback Mountain now, than I did while sitting in the theatre.
Delayed reaction sadness. Odd.
The Coffee Bean makes the best Ice Blended Coffee drinks.
I love the relief of peeing if you've waited far too long to go.
I'll often not wash my hands after peeing.
I love honey.
I wonder if I have crohn's disease.
I need to find a new doctor.
Mine retired.
Why hasn't there been a big epic film made of the life of MLK?
I wish I could play a musical instrument really, really well.
Preferably guitar or piano.
Maybe even the harmonica.
There's something to be said about the freedom of driving a real piece of crap.
I wonder what the origin of the phrase "gets my goat" is.
Jargon is fascinating.
I wish David Mazzucchelli would draw Daredevil again.
It must be wonderful to be an uber wealthy philanthropist.
I enjoy sitting in a diner alone and reading during lunch.
Zack Snyder has more ego than talent.
My workload has reached an overwhelming level.
It’s affecting my health.
Health insurance companies are evil.
Gene Colan is amazing. 81 years old and creating some of the best work of his life.
A good friend of mine was in “The Pursuit of Happyness”
I really, really enjoy hiring artists to create Daredevil themed commissions for me.
www.comicartfans.com is the best site I’ve found in years.
My art collection is posted there.
Norah Jones is great live.
I believe George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be removed from office, tried for their crimes, and put in jail.
I know that will never happen.
HTPC’s are far more complicated that their supporters let on.
...and there's so much more. Aren't we humans so complex?
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